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Determining Match Dates

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/ Determining Match Dates

For some matches on our website, we indicate that the exact play date has not yet been determined. Generally, the week or weekend has been specified for these matches, but the same day and time are still pending. The play date for matches involving top clubs is usually confirmed relatively late, with the exact day and time being established. The confirmation can occur anywhere from a few months to a few weeks before the match, depending on the league.

Why is the Match Date Confirmed Late?

This is primarily due to television rights and potential cup tournaments (e.g., Europa League, Champions League, FA Cup, Copa del Rey, etc.). The respective football association determines the schedule based on expectations regarding the match's popularity and individual clubs' schedules.

When is the Exact Match Date and Time Determined?

The exact timing of determination varies by league and can vary widely. Below, we provide a general overview of guidelines for each league. Additionally, you can find links to external sites with more detailed information for each league.

Overview by League

League  Weeks Before the Match (Estimated)* More Information
Premier League 5 to 6 Weeks Link
La Liga 2 to 3 Weeks Link
Serie A 6 to 10 Weeks Link
Bundesliga 4 to 8 Weeks Link
Ligue 1 2 to 3 Weeks Link

*These are general guidelines, and leagues often deviate from them. For example, the final matchday is often announced closer to the date.

Want to be sure? Contact us!

The timing of determination remains a complex matter. If you want to be sure you're booking at the right time, please don't hesitate to contact us through our chat or WhatsApp. You can also reach us by phone or visit our office!